Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My school plan, part 1

When I started to homeschool I focused mostly on theory. I am sort of a theory girl. I need to know the ins and outs and for sure the whys behind most things. After that I can focus on the practical. Most of you that homeschool know that there are many theories and they are not short and pithy little statements. They come in volumes, ie. a Charlotte Mason Education, or packed with emotion like Jon Holt. There is classical, which takes much cerebral energy only because of the brainiacs that are writing about it. There are more theories, big and little, personal or cultural that just need to be thought through. And then, every time I meet a new homeschooler I quiz them on some of the theories they are working through. Then there are convictions to be worked out. There are more of those than theories, I think. Everyone has different convictions as to why homeschooling is the best option. Personally, our convictions have changed somewhat since we started. We have moved from being more idealistic to more practical. And certainly our growth in understanding of the Gospel has changed things as well.
So, now all the being said, I have always leaned, well, all over the place. Charlotte Mason is just dreamy to think about, especially me being a gal who loves books and movies from the Victorian era. Classical seems very practical, after all it has survived or resurfaced after centuries. And Jon Holt just gives you alot to think about. To some up our convictions, we have wanted to be the primary educators and influence in our children's life.
I will talk about how all this looks practically for this year and the curriculum we are currently using and creating in another post.

Friday, September 30, 2011


So, in studying history, we have come across quite a few things that really make me think. Here is one. During the Black Death outbreak in Europe there were a group of Monks called the Flagellant Brothers who thought that God had sent the black death as a punishment for sin. The Brothers tried to stop the disease by whipping their bodies to punish themselves. They went from town to town doing this, which actually helped to spread the plague.
Now I don't know how much real Biblical knowledge these monks had. I know today that many still think that God requires sacrifice and self deprivation. I am thankful to know that what God requires instead of sacrifice is a broken and contrite heart. But I still wonder, what have we, I, misunderstood of God that we will look back on in the future and see it did more harm than good?

Oh Lord, teach me your ways. Let me know of your wonderful deeds. Let me know who you really are.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

School 7.0

This is the technically the seventh year that we have been homeschooling. I am still working hard at figuring out how to do it "all". More importantly, trying to discern what God wants me to do. I usually follow the pendulum approach. You know, starting out as a laid back homeschooler then freaking out that my children don't know all that they should and making them do things they probably don't need to do, then burning out and going to the extreme of much too laid back home schooling. I didn't say it was healthy, that just seems to be how it works out. I hear way too much homeschool guilt out there and always say It won't happen to me, but it does. Now that my oldest is in 6th grade, I really feel the need to get things together so they are prepared for the work that lies ahead for them. So in a sense, I do feel like our homeschooling is changing. I don't feel like I can be so wishy washy about what we are learning or always count a day at the park as science. I do need to be much more intentional and, here is the key folks, good at follow through. Ouch. I said it. So this year I am putting it on paper, writing out goals and ways to measure them. I know that I don't do this alone, my husband has much to say about their education and holds me accountable to see that they can read and write, but much of the content he leaves up to me. He is sort of the superintendent of the operation. I pray much about what God would have me teach my children and definitely follow His leading. But now since a grumpy three year old has just entered the room, I will write about those such things in the next post.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Man Caves

My husband was reading to the kids last night and the portion he was reading referred to a room in the house as the "den". My oldest asked what a den was. My husband explained how it is a room to sit in and have quiet time or read in. It is funny that I don't hear that name for a room much anymore. I think my son provided the anwer why. When my husband told him what it was my son replied "oh, like a Man Cave".

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I want my honey stick!!!

We were on the way to the farm stand to pick up our weekly produce. I usually let the kids get a honey stick when we are all done. One of my boys was not obeying on the way there so I told him he would have to stay in the car and not get a honey stick. Oh boy, sometimes it is sooo hard to stick to a discipline because it makes your own life so miserable. All the way home he cried about not having a honey stick. All The Way. But of course it was worth it to teach him the lesson to obey.
I was just thinking about this in comparison to how I react to God's wisdom in my life. I am learning that the Lord's knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are perfect. He knows exactly what is best for me and in His wisdom ordains my days. Bet yet I also know there are many days that I am like a five year old, kicking the back of the car seat, screaming, "I want my honey stick!". So I am also learning how the Lord is perfect in patience, love, grace and mercy. That is one reason I love mercy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God is Amen!

Amen comes from the Hebrew word for Aman, which the words faithful and true are from. "The God of Amen" is an Old Testament title for God (Isa. 65:16) This is cited from Knowing God by Name by Mary A. Kassian, page 48.
This was part of my study this morning and it is a truth that I intend to hang on to. I love the thought of knowing the deeper meaning behind saying "Amen" at the the end of prayers. Sometimes we get in such a habit of doing something, we just forget why we do it. When we are saying "Amen" we are saying "Yes God! You are true. You are faithful. Your way will be done!!! You are trustworthy and I trust myself with you.
"The Lord's faithfulness is established (Ps. 89:2), incomparable (Ps. 146:6). And even if we mess up and are unfaithful to Him, His faithfulness to us will endure." (Knowing God by Name) AMEN!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Third week...done!!

Third week of school just about over. Whew. It is always hardest to start. We usually have a slow start. We start with math, add grammar a day later. Week two we added spelling and Bible study. This last week we added history and science. Hopefully next week will be in full swing adding Latin, geography, theology and reading books I have chosen for them. I mean to write a full post on the books they will be reading this year. This is my own sort of experimental year of growing their compassion for others and trying to figure out how God has gifted them to serve. I think this is a good prep for the teen years and I will flesh that one out in another post as well.